Chronotruck connects
shippers and carriers
in real time

= Available vehicle

Find a carrier in one-click for your pallets!

Businesses Ship faster and maximize your budget

Save time and ship in 3 clicks!

Chronotruk finds a reliable carrier in real-time

Follow each step on line from quotation to delivery

Receive offers even when the market is tight!

Carriers With our app, never drive empty again

Increase your monthly income up to €4,000 per truck

Geolocate your drivers for free

Receive Freight Offers near you

You are paid within 30 days by bank transfer

Chronotruck guarantees top-rate fulfilment of your shipments and is a member of the main Freight Carriers' Unions in France

Response rate
Average time to find a driver
Listed trucks
Average rating of our carriers
Fédération Nationale des Transports Routiers Fédération Nationale des Transports Routiers
Transport et Logistique de France Transport et Logistique de France
Syndicat National des Transports Légers Syndicat National des Transports Légers

How our service works

Instant quotation and order
Instant offer to nearby trucks
One-click carrier agreement
Real-time shipment geotracking
Instant upload of the proof of delivery
Instant Service notation and invoicing

Customers trust Chronotruck

 Chronotruck stands out for its ease of use and fluidity. Their efficient customer support is able to adapt to our specific needs, even for small volume shipments. 

 Chronotruck brings us a solution to ensure all our deliveries are performed according to our strong requirement policy 

 Chronotruck is a very relevant tool for shippers. Indeed, it offers quick and reliable solutions in just a few clicks, especially in tense conditions of transport offer. 

People are talking about Chronotruck

 Chronotruck... a system that connects shippers and carriers in real time in order to lower costs 

 Chronotruck hopes to become the Uber of European road transport 

 ...Chronotruck could really shake up the transport world 

 Top 20 Start-ups Disrupting the Global Connected Truck Market 

 Chronotruck : the app that wants to disrupt merchandise transport... 

 Does Chronotruck herald the future of transport? 

 The app... wants to be an efficient solution to fight against empty return trips 

 A lighter bill... for the customer, who also benefits from immediate pickup 

 This is a revolution that can be of use to many shippers 

 The French Uber for freight 

 It's the Uber of road transport 

 Discover Chronotruck's fantastic potential 

 The carrier can transact in one clic and load the shipment immediately 

 Chronotruck: Freight 2.0. Why it is a success